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Live chat : Welcome to the Chat! Please be kind to all.2024-03-22 19:36:11
Adam East : Hi All!2024-03-23 04:43:00
Claire Barnes : Hi Adam! Thanks for setting up the virtual option for those of us who can't be there tomorrow <32024-03-23 08:34:01
David : Thank you for live-streaming it.2024-03-24 04:55:37
Phuntsok : driving through AZ but hoppng to catch this.2024-03-24 05:00:55
jana : hello - so thankful this will be virtual. i am in Missouri2024-03-24 05:02:41
Olga Weiss : I have the video but no sound2024-03-24 05:09:00
Claire : I have sound but it's very very faint, barely audible2024-03-24 05:09:44
David : I have both video and sound. Be sure to click all the buttons.2024-03-24 05:10:40
jana : no sound here either2024-03-24 05:12:05
Gerry Antell : So great that this tribute is happening. I'm sure it would thrill Robyn.2024-03-24 05:12:06
Alea : The sound button is on the bottom right. I'm sure it will be louder when folks are mic'd2024-03-24 05:12:18
jana : got sound!2024-03-24 05:12:29
Sierra (admin) : The sound is low right now and will go up when it starts in a few minutes. Thanks for watching!2024-03-24 05:12:41
Joan Bailey : I agree Jerry. Robyn would be thrilled.2024-03-24 05:14:53
Gerry Antell : Is there a way to see the names of all who are attending on-line?2024-03-24 05:18:21
Sierra (admin) : No, only the people who participate in chat can be viewed2024-03-24 05:20:02
Amy Zarndt : Hi Joan and Gerry. I'm here!2024-03-24 05:21:01
Joan Bailey : Hi Amy!2024-03-24 05:21:19
Joan Bailey : Glad you're both here.2024-03-24 05:21:30
Robin Krugman-Bush : Hi Gerry, Joan and Amy. I'm here as well.2024-03-24 05:21:42
Amy Zarndt : Hi Robin!!2024-03-24 05:21:54
Joan Bailey : Hi Robin!2024-03-24 05:21:54
Joan Bailey : I think the three of us are Robyn's oldest friends.2024-03-24 05:22:28
Robin Krugman-Bush : We all met her in third grade, I think, when she moved to Laurelton.2024-03-24 05:23:25
Joan Bailey : Yes.2024-03-24 05:23:48
Gerry Antell : Hi Amy, Joan and Robin!2024-03-24 05:23:56
Gerry Antell : Yes, 3rd grade sounds right2024-03-24 05:24:16
Joan Bailey : Hi Gerry!2024-03-24 05:24:28
Olga Weiss. : Still no sound!2024-03-24 05:25:58
Joan Bailey : I think it's muted. You have to unmute.2024-03-24 05:27:02
jana : sound is very faint. and i have my speaker turned up to the highest level2024-03-24 05:27:09
Gerry Antell : Olga, if you place your cursor at the bottom of video box, you should see a speaker icon at the bottom, right2024-03-24 05:27:13
Gerry Antell : near where it says "HD"2024-03-24 05:27:28
Josh (admin) : Has everyone been able to get the audio turned up?2024-03-24 05:39:22
Joan Bailey : Yes.2024-03-24 05:40:18
Claire : Volume is now now medium-low with all of my sound settings maxed out2024-03-24 05:41:18
Josh (admin) : Claire, Is it much louder when they sing vs. talking?2024-03-24 05:42:43
Amy Zarndt : Working for me.2024-03-24 05:43:01
Claire : Yes - it was loud for a moment when Anne started singing. Robyn's interview was very quiet2024-03-24 05:43:25
Todd Rosenberg : Agree. They adjusted the audio midway through the interview.2024-03-24 05:44:24
Amy Zarndt : Robyn's interview started out quiet for me and then got clearer midway through. Didn't know if that was from the original recording or something the broadcasters did.2024-03-24 05:44:56
Josh (admin) : Unfortunately we had an issue with the audio from the interview to the stream input. Hopefully it is now all resolved across the board.2024-03-24 05:45:31
Todd Rosenberg : Thanks Josh2024-03-24 05:45:48
David Schwartz : Great sound and video.2024-03-24 05:49:48
Gerry Antell : Any other Laurelton peeps out there?2024-03-24 06:30:13
Sheryl Schwartz : rest in peace my dear cousin2024-03-24 07:34:17
Trout : Flyaway🥰2024-03-24 07:46:50
Lisa Pierce : God bless you, Robyn, and all your friends!2024-03-24 07:48:53
Julie Zenterra : Thank you all for the beautiful program including the wonderful music, remembrances, and poetry, and for all the love shared for our sister and friend, Robyn! Sweet, sweet, sweet.2024-03-24 08:22:08
Jonesy : Thank you all for honoring Robyn with such a moving tribute. The love she took was equal to the love she gave. Miss you Robyn.2024-03-24 08:30:22
Alea : Such a wonderful journey. Thank you all!2024-03-24 08:32:50
Gareth : Thank you to everyone who assembled this wonderful celebration....and thank you Robyn.2024-03-24 08:33:59
Phuntsok💖🌸💜 : So much Love 💖🌸💜💚💛🦋🐸🐝🥁💜2024-03-24 08:35:51
Gerry Antell : Thank you to all who put this together.2024-03-24 08:39:43
Joan Bailey : Thank you everyone. This was a wonderful tribute to our beloved Robyn.2024-03-24 08:40:03
Claire Barnes : Thank you to all of Robyn's dear ones. What a beautiful community.2024-03-24 08:41:48
Ora Hill : She will be missed but never forgotten 😢2024-03-25 21:04:14
Alice Di Micele : Bless you Robyn on your journey....2024-03-28 12:13:51
Andrea Wolff : What a beautiful tribute! I have such fond memories of being part of Womansoul on KBOO with Robyn. Fly high, fly free - what an impact you made on the world Robyn. We were so lucky to have you here!2024-04-03 02:55:07
Albert Kaufman : I have a program from this event - if you'd like it - get in touch - albert@albertideation.com2024-06-15 06:00:31