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Venmo:   @kdeelane

Latest message: 11 months, 1 week ago
Live chat : Welcome to the Chat! Please be kind to all.2024-04-03 06:09:47
Josh : Welcome All!2024-04-05 12:59:17
Jerry Malloy : Thanks for the stream!2024-04-05 13:01:49
Jeffro : So great to see y'all rock out!2024-04-05 13:36:46
Heidi : hi!2024-04-05 13:53:41
Heidi : 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻2024-04-05 13:54:59
Pauly : Thias is SOOOOOOO great!!!! Just tuned in !!!2024-04-05 13:55:42
Pauly : The guitarist is on fire!2024-04-05 14:45:48
Pauly : Love seeing you play together; a monster sound; everyone playing and singing tremendously!2024-04-05 14:51:41
Jerry : Fantastic show!2024-04-05 15:36:12
Bear S : 😎Always looked forward ea year to seeing you both for for most of that 25 years. It was 'one in a million' when I missed you at the fair; then coincidently ran into you both (& kids) at Edgefield2024-04-08 04:57:30